Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February-3 Children 5 Dollars!

In class today we worked on a problem: 3 children found 5 dollars. We had lots of questions about this problem, could they divide the money equally among themselves, if not, how could they get the most amount of money each (each person has to have the same amount) and how much would be left over? Figure this out on your own!! Parents you can guide, but don’t give away the farm. Use real money if you need to, elbow macaroni, draw pictures, or whatever will help you figure this out. Click comment to answer and explain how you solved:

1 comment:

Constantine's kid said...

First I started from $1.55 + $1.55 + $1.55=$4.65. Then I did a $1.65+$1.65+$1.65=$4.95. Next I have done $1.70+$1.70+$1.70=$5.10. that was over the amount. Then I did $1.68+$1.68+$1.68=$5.04. that was over the amount too. Finally I did $1.67+$1.67+$1.67=$5.01. There was 1 cent extra.
